Thursday, July 12, 2012

Look out Mary Kay...

The summer is down to a crawl and I am anxious for the days filled with school books and pencils, I will even take the complaining. The kids are pretty good about filling days and when it is just the 3 of us, there really is minimal complaining and arguing. Aside from our evening swim, Taylor fills his days, mostly with video games, Lego's, and spongebob etc. Carlys days are filled with Littlest Pet shop, Animal care and making videos. She also frequents Pinterest on occasion and came up with this little science/beauty school project. The instructions were to take vaseline, melt it in the microwave until it turned liquid and then add powdered kool-aid packets for taste and color. She tried it with a cherry kool-aid packet and it seemed just "ehhh". Uh oh! Keep this going, what do I have? what do I have? Thank God for Jello, I had several boxes and they actually worked better! SUCCESS!!!! whew......

This is the first attempt with the Kool Aid...the Kool-Aid was kind of dry and sort of separated from the vaseline but like I said "ehhh".

Time for the jello, I gave her one box, tried to keep the others for my next jello shot weekend but seeing that it made her as happy as it did, I sacrificed my remaining boxes all in the name of science, and of course love XOXO

 So many colors and flavors, she had strawberry/banana, tropical fruit, blueberry, and black cherry (my fav).
 Look she's HAPPY !!!!!!!
and proud...

The finished product..they set in the fridge overnight and are quite lovely. Great job Carly !!!!!!!