Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random Cuteness....

Hey she is still cute ya know...

Movies Movies Movies

Is it me or are there soooo many kids movies out lately. Within the past  few weeks we have seen Cars 2 (boo) Smurfs (Yay) and Glee (Yay+). Carly also saw Judy Moody and the not so bummer summer. Captain America, Spy Kids and Monte Carlo are also on the list. (Confession...while at the Smurfs there was a preview for Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked and I must admit I was the most excited).


Lapbooking..Cop out or creative learning?...maybe both. It actually fills an entire morning and there are many many questions ... Good thing.. Usually we do lap books with a book that I choose. This time they got to choose...Carly chose Dolphins and Taylor chose (Great White) Sharks. This was a coincidence, I asked them separately and did not limit them to Ocean Creatures. Taylor tapped out early but here are the (almost) final results...

Back to Baking

We are keeping up with the schedule yes its true. Carly is doing about 4 hours of book work to date and Taylor is about an hour. Proud to say that Taylor is currently doing great in 1st grade grammar and Math and will officially be promoted to 1st grade as of December 1st. Yes you can do that when you home school : )   My Carly who "HAAAAAAAAAATES Science" and is in her first official year of bookwork Science is doing grade 4. When I went to order their curriculum I noticed that we covered every topic like twice, I mean we love planting but the girl had been growing and planting for like 7 of her 8 years and neither she nor I have green thumbs. We are pretty good at growing herbs though and will give that another shot....Back to curriculum..The only problem Carly is behind in is math, big shock since that is MY least fav subject, she tells me it is her favorite but there is an awful lot if complaining and stomach aches once she sees the Math book come out. We balance out the day with baking, painting, cleaning and swimming as the weather is still about 95 degrees during the day. Today we completed 2 hours of grammar and they asked to make a cake. Armed with a white Betty Crocker cake mix box, a can of white frosting and a 4 pack of food coloring we were in business.....I must add that they really did a great job and also learned about measurements in the process. Oh and Taylor cracked his first egg successfully...ahh the little things. Here are some scenes from the kitchen this afternoon...

What do get when you mix pumpkin pie filling, coconut mile, sweet and sour sauce, pancake mix, oatmeal and many many many other ingredients........... (word of the day) Concoctions... luckily daddy was not here and I needed to clean out the pantry and fridge anyway...this literally went on for over 2 hours and the kitchen and mommy are doing fine...

Carly POV

Taylor POV


Thank you Aunt Donna for your never ending Arts and Crafts projects. Please keep them coming esp for Taylor. Carly enjoys too once she gets over that she is too cool and mature for Arts and Crafts And she actually enjoys it (shhh). This one was super easy and cute and are currently catching some rays in their bedrooms. We had tons of decorations andbeads and of course glue, so yay! XO


Orlando Trip

So we took Grandma Dee to Orlando for her 65th Bday. We had a great time and stayed at the Omni Hotel which I will definitely go back to (hopefully someday). We went to SeaWorld and yes I dragged around 2 kids and mom in 95o weather. Actually Carly was a trooper while grandma Dee and Taylor were slightly dragging. We went to Old Towne for Ice Cream and Jimmy Buffets in Downtown Universal for dinner.